星期一, 4月 17, 2006

[ Mood ]Computer graphics

Mid-Examination Creation [Precious Planet]
Haha~ I finished my Computer graphics Creation today. This is my first time to finish the homework so early,so I am very excited.

It's writed in C++ programming language with DirectX9.0. At the beginning ,it was very difficult to me to write it.I'm not good at any form's programming.= ="And because of many reasons,I only went to this class three times before the mid-exam. But I don't know why.I understand that complicated code very quickly,and combined a lot of ements to program this "3D Interactive Animation".May be that is because I have studied 3D MAX last semester...So...Thanks God~Let me finished it!! Haha ~I think I must do the next homework now~.~

ps. It seems to be popular to write Blog in English recently!! So, I try it as well. ^^

4 則留言:

  1. ~high hand~
    You're so smart~

    Thanks~you taught me a lot about DirectX~


    Have a message in another writing~

  2. 哈哈~high hand 幽默唷!!
    之後我在PO別人的作品截圖上來= =+

  3. Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

  4. I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
